
Chausie: The Wild-Looking Domestic Cat Breed

Did you know the Chausie breed was officially recognised by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 19951? This unique cat came to life by mixing a few jungle cats with many domestic cats. It has won the hearts of cat lovers everywhere with its wild look and special personality1.

Key Takeaways

  • The Chausie is a hybrid cat breed developed by crossing non-domestic jungle cats with domestic cats.
  • Chausies are mostly descended from domestic cats and become fully fertile and domestic by the fourth generation.
  • The Chausie breed was recognised as a domestic breed by TICA in 1995.
  • Chausies are medium to large in size, with adult males weighing 11 to 16 pounds and females 8 to 13 pounds.
  • Chausies have distinctive physical features, including a deep-chested torso, broad tall ears, and striking cheekbones.


The Chausie is a domestic cat breed known for its wild look. It comes from jungle cats2. Cat lovers around the world have fallen in love with this feline hybrid in recent years2. We’ll look into its history, traits, and care needs. We’ll also talk about its path to becoming a recognized pet.

The Chausie comes from mixing the Jungle Cat with a domestic cat2. Breeders have worked hard to make this hybrid breed better. They faced the challenge of combining two different cat traits2. Now, we have a cat that’s both wild-looking and a great pet.

Let’s explore the Chausie’s unique history and looks. We’ll also talk about its personality and what it needs for care and health23. Join us to learn more about the Chausie, a mix of the wild and the domestic.

History of the Chausie Cat Breed

The Chausie’s story goes way back to ancient Egypt. There, the jungle cat was sometimes mummified with domestic cats4. These early mixes of jungle and domestic cats might have led to the Chausie breed we see today4.

Ancient Origins

The jungle cat lived in Southeast Asia, India, and the Middle East. The ancient Egyptians knew about it and sometimes mummified it4. This means the first Chausie-like cats could have been in Egypt thousands of years ago4.

Modern Breeding Efforts

The modern Chausie breed started in the late 1960s and 1970s. A few people began breeding jungle cats with domestic cats5. In the 1990s, a group of breeders named the breed “Chausie” and worked on making it better5.

The Chausie got its official recognition from The International Cat Association (TICA) in March 19955. By February 2001, breeders could show animals up to four generations from the wild cat5.

“The Chausie breed as we know it today, however, did not truly begin until the late 1960s and 1970s, when a few people started experimenting with breeding the jungle cat to the domestic cat.”

Characteristics of the Chausie


The Chausie is a medium to large cat, known for its wild look6. They weigh between 15 to 25 pounds, with females lighter than males6. These cats can be up to 20 inches long6.

They have deep chests, broad ears, and prominent cheekbones. Their eyes form a unique half-oval shape7. Adult Chausies are 14″-18″ tall7.

Chausies are built for speed and agility, with a medium bone structure6. They can jump up to six feet high, showing off their athletic skills6. Chausies usually have black or brown fur6.

Characteristic Chausie Cat
Weight 15-25 pounds6
Length Up to 20 inches6
Height 14″-18″7
Lifespan Up to 15 years6
Jumping Ability Up to 6 feet6
Coat Colours Black or brown shades6

The Chausie’s unique look and traits make it a special cat7. With their strong build and striking features, they grab the attention of cat lovers.

Chausie Coat Colours and Patterns

The Chausie is a captivating domestic cat breed known for its striking coat patterns. It was officially named and recognised by TICA in 19958. The breed gained Championship status from TICA on May 1, 20138. Chausies are now bred in North America and Europe8. Their coats can be solid black, black grizzled tabby, or black (also known as brown) ticked tabby8.

Solid Black

Solid black Chausies may show faint tabby marks as kittens but grow into a dense, even black coat8. Their head should have a long, sloping forehead that curves slightly over the eyebrows8. The ears are tall, large, fairly wide, and rounded, often with tufts, though tufts are not required8.

Black Grizzled Tabby

Black grizzled tabbies have a special pattern with a dark brownish-black base and pure black marks8. The neck is medium length and thickness8. The torso is long, lean, flat-sided, and deep-chested with legs that are long with medium boning8.

Black Ticked Tabby

Black ticked tabby Chausies show black ticking, stripes, rings, and markings on a brownish background that can vary in shade8. Their feet are medium in size and oval in shape89. Chausies are medium to large cats, reaching 15-20 inches tall and weighing 12-25 pounds9.

“The Chausie breed’s coat colours and patterns are a testament to its unique and intriguing genetic heritage.”

Chausie Personality and Temperament

The Chausie is a breed that mixes the smarts and speed of wild jungle cats with the loving nature of domestic cats10. They grow to be 14 to 19 inches tall and weigh 15 to 30 pounds10. Known for their lively and energetic ways10.

Chausies are often seen as “busy” kittens but calm down as they get older, keeping their playful and curious side11. They love being around people and don’t like being alone for a long time, which can lead to separation anxiety11. They get along well with humans and other pets, like dogs, if introduced carefully11.

Even though they come from the wild, Chausies have been bred to be gentler and more loving11. They’re smart and can learn new things, but they might be a bit stubborn sometimes, thanks to their wild roots11. It’s important to keep them active and mentally sharp to stop bad habits from forming10.

The Chausie is a breed that loves to be in the centre of things, needing lots of attention, play, and a safe place to explore11. Their mix of smarts, energy, and love makes them great for families with older kids, singles, and seniors10.

Trait Description
Personality Intelligent, active, playful, and curious. Thrive on companionship and can be prone to separation anxiety if left alone for too long.
Temperament Affectionate and gentle, with a wild heritage that can lead to a stubborn streak at times. Require regular exercise and mental stimulation.
Sociability Get along well with other pets, including dogs, when properly introduced. Enjoy forming strong bonds with their human families.
Trainability Highly intelligent but can be challenging to train due to their wild ancestry. Respond best to positive reinforcement methods.

“Chausie cats are fascinating felines that blend the best of their wild jungle cat lineage with the companionship of a domestic pet. Their unique personalities and high energy levels make them an engaging and rewarding breed for the right owner.”

In summary, the Chausie is a breed that brings together the smarts and speed of wild cats with the loving nature of domestic cats. These lively and social cats need careful attention, regular exercise, and a stimulating home. They’re perfect for families, singles, and seniors who can give them the love and care they need.

Chausie Care and Grooming

Chausie cats love to be active and need lots of playtime12. They can jump up to six feet high, showing off their amazing skills12. To keep them happy, owners should give them lots of toys and places to climb12.

Looking after their coat is easy. Just brush it weekly with a soft brush to reduce shedding12. They’re not scared of water, so they don’t need baths often12. But, they do need their nails trimmed now and then12.

Exercise Requirements

  • Chausie cats are super active and need lots of exercise and play every day12.
  • Give them toys, cat trees, and other fun things to keep them busy and happy12.
  • They can jump really high, up to six feet, which is pretty cool12.
  • These cats are best with adults or families without little kids, as they can be too much for them12.

Grooming Needs

  1. Chausie cats have a short, coarse coat that needs brushing once a week to keep it looking good12.
  2. They don’t mind water, so they don’t need baths often12.
  3. It’s important to trim their nails regularly to keep their paws healthy12.

“Chausies are known for being tall, long-legged, lean, and athletic.”13

Chausie Grooming Characteristics Details
Coat Type Short to medium length, dense with a soft undercoat and slightly harsher topcoat13
Shedding Level Medium shedding, requiring low maintenance grooming14
Coat Colour Brown Ticked Tabby, Black, and Black Grizzled Ticked Tabby13
Eye Colour Gold, yellow, light green, or hazel13

Health and Potential Issues

Chausie cats are a mix of the Jungle Cat and the Domestic cat15. They have traits from their wild roots. One of these is a shorter gut, making them sensitive to some foods15.

Chausies often get inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) from eating plants15. They also get food allergies easily. So, it’s key to feed them high-quality cat food or a special homemade diet15.

Dietary Considerations

Feeding a Chausie right is crucial. They need a diet rich in protein and low in plants15. This helps their digestive system, which is better at handling meat15. Choosing the right cat food or making a special diet with a vet’s help is best15.

Some vaccines for regular cats might not work on Chausies15. This means it’s important to see a vet who knows about this breed’s health needs.

Knowing what Chausies need for food and health is key to their care15. With the right food and vet care, these cats can be happy and healthy in their homes15.

Chausie Breed Standards and Recognition

The Chausie has made great strides in being accepted as a domestic cat breed. It was first recognised by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 19958. After much development, it became a Championship breed on May 1, 20138. Now, Chausies are bred in North America and Europe, and they’re starting to be recognised in the World Cat Federation (WCF)8.

The TICA breed standard describes a cat that looks like its wild ancestor, the Felis chaus. It should be tall, long-legged, and lean8. The standard also prefers a shorter-than-normal tail8. Chausie cats can be solid black, black grizzled ticked tabby, or black (brown) ticked tabby8.

The Chausie’s head is shaped like a modified wedge, with a full chin and a puffy nose8. Their eyes are medium to slightly small, and they should be gold or yellow8. Chausies have long, lean bodies with flat sides and a deep chest. They have long legs and oval-shaped feet8.

As the Chausie becomes more popular, it’s vital for potential owners to know what makes this breed special. They have a wild look, are very energetic, and love to be with people. Chausies are best for those who can give them lots of attention and fun16.

Chausie Breed Standard Characteristics Specifications
Body Type Tall, long-legged, lean, and supple8
Tail Slightly shorter than normal length8
Coat Colours Solid black, black grizzled ticked tabby, and black (brown) ticked tabby8
Head Shape Modified wedge, with a full chin and puffy nose leather8
Eye Colour Medium to slightly small, with gold or yellow preferred8
Body and Legs Long, lean body with flat sides and a deep chest; long legs with medium boning and oval-shaped feet8

The Chausie’s path to recognition shows its unique traits and the hard work of breeders and fans. As more people discover the Chausie, it’s key for potential owners to understand what this breed needs. This ensures they can give these wild-looking cats a great home1.

Finding a Chausie Cat

Finding a Chausie cat might be hard because they are quite rare17. They’re not often in animal shelters, so you should look for a good breeder18. Make sure to find a breeder who cares deeply about the health and happiness of these cats.

Reputable Chausie Breeders

You can find reputable Chausie breeders on the TICA (The International Cat Association) website17. This site lists registered breeders who follow strict rules and ensure their cats are healthy and well-socialized. They also make sure the cats are true to their breed.

Be ready to spend a lot when looking for a Chausie17. These cats cost between £1,000 and £2,000 from good breeders. This price shows how rare they are and the care they need to stay healthy and true to their breed.

Looking for a Chausie cat takes time and patience18. Good breeders often have waiting lists, so it might take a while to get a kitten or adult Chausie. But, the joy of having this special cat makes the wait worth it for many cat lovers.

Chausie cat

“The Chausie is a unique and captivating breed that has captured the hearts of many cat lovers. With their striking appearance and engaging personalities, these cats make for wonderful, if somewhat uncommon, companions.”

Chausie vs. Other Cat Breeds

The Chausie is a unique cat, mixing jungle cat genes with domestic ones19. This mix creates a special look and traits that many love. It has some things in common with other breeds but stands out in many ways19.

What makes the Chausie stand out is its roots. The International Cat Association (TICA) has recognised it as a pedigree cat since 199519. This shows the Chausie is a sought-after cat. But, it’s rare and costs more, with prices between £7,500 and £10,000 from good breeders19.

Chausies have wild genes, which means they need special food and activities19. They need to go outside to play and hunt. This means they must be vaccinated against rabies and leucosis, and protected from parasites19. They also eat raw food or high-quality commercial food with lots of meat and little grains, showing their wild side19.

Even though they look wild, Chausies become great pets by the fourth generation20. They can live up to 16 years and need little grooming because of their short fur. This makes them a great choice for those who want a special cat19.

In summary, the Chausie is different from other cats, especially the Abyssinian, because of its jungle cat background20. Its unique look, personality, and needs make it a great pick for those looking for a special cat192021.


The Chausie is a unique cat breed that mixes the wild look of a jungle cat with the loving nature of a pet22. They are smart, friendly, and love people. Chausies get along well with kids, enjoying play and lots of attention22. They can be playful but are not usually destructive if they’re trained and kept busy22. They don’t need a huge space, fitting well into homes and flats, like the Maine Coon cats22.

The Chausie breed was officially recognized by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 1995 and became a full Championship breed in 201323. Breeders aim to keep their unique look while making them friendly pets, mixing Jungle Cats with Abyssinians and Oriental Shorthairs23. But, Chausies might have health issues like food allergies, so regular vet visits are important23.

The Chausie is a beautiful cat that looks great and loves being around people. They’re perfect for owners who can give them the care and fun they need2223.


What is a Chausie?

The Chausie is a cat breed made by mixing the jungle cat with domestic cats. This mix gives them a wild look.

What are the physical characteristics of the Chausie?

Chausies are medium to large cats with a long body and strong legs. They have a deep chest, wide ears, and flat eyes. They come in three colours: solid black, black grizzled tabby, and black or brown ticked tabby.

What is the Chausie’s temperament like?

Chausies are smart, lively, and love to move. They are very playful as kittens but calm down as adults. They enjoy being around others, whether cats or people.

How much care and grooming do Chausies require?

Chausies need lots of exercise with toys and places to jump. Their coat only needs weekly brushing. They’re not scared of water but don’t need baths often. They also need their nails trimmed regularly.

Are there any health concerns with Chausies?

Chausies might have trouble with plant-based foods because of their jungle cat roots. This can lead to stomach issues. They also get food allergies, so it’s best to feed them special cat food or a homemade diet.

How widely available are Chausies?

Chausies are rare, so you won’t find them in shelters. Look for a good breeder on the TICA website. Expect to pay between £1,000 and £2,000 for one.

How do Chausies differ from other domestic cat breeds?

Chausies look wild but are fully domestic after four generations. They’re unique because of their jungle cat heritage. They make great pets for those who can give them lots of love and attention.

Source Links

  1. Chausie –
  2. Chausie Breed –
  3. Chausie Cat Breed Guide –
  4. Chausie Cat Breed Profile | Litter-Robot –
  5. Chausie –
  6. What to Know About Chausie Cats –
  7. Chausie – –
  8. Dedicated to a Healthy Legacy –
  9. Chausie Mixed Cat Breed Information & Characteristics –
  10. Chausie Cat Breed Info: Traits, Personality & Pictures – Catster –
  11. Raising a Chausie Cat: Temperament and Facts | Pet Side –
  12. Chausie at a Glance –
  13. Chausie Cats Breed – Information, Temperament, Size & Price | Pets4Homes –
  14. Chausie Cat Breed Profile | Litter-Robot –
  15. Exotic Hybrid Cats and Their Hidden Dangers –
  16. Chausie Cat Breed Profile | Litter-Robot –
  17. Chausie Cat Breed Profile | Litter-Robot –
  18. Chausie Cat Breed: Info, Pictures, Temperament & Traits | PangoVet –
  19. Chausie | zooplus Magazine –
  20. Breed Of The Month – Chausie –
  21. Etiquette –
  22. Chausie. Myths and Reality | Benaby Cattery –
  23. The Chausie Cat Breed: A Comprehensive Guide – Cat Place –

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