Devon Rex

Devon Rex: Unique Curly-Coated Cats with Big Ears

Did you know the Devon Rex cat has roots in an old tin mine in Buckfastleigh, Devon, England1? These cats stand out with their unique look, big ears, and wavy fur. They’ve won the hearts of cat lovers all over the world. The first Devon Rex came to the US in 19681.

The Cat Fanciers Association made it official in 1979, and it got Championship status in 19831.

Key Takeaways

  • The Devon Rex is a unique cat breed known for its distinctive appearance, including large ears and a wavy, curly coat.
  • The breed originated near an abandoned tin mine in Buckfastleigh, Devon, England, and was first introduced to the United States in 1968.
  • Devon Rex cats come in a wide range of coat colours and patterns, from solid colours to complex tabby and tortoiseshell variations.
  • These cats are highly intelligent, active, and sociable, making them excellent companions for families.
  • Devon Rex cats may be more prone to certain health conditions, such as Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy, so regular veterinary check-ups are recommended.

Alien-like Appearance

The Devon Rex is famous for its unique look that makes it stand out2. It has big ears, large eyes, and a triangular face, making it truly special3. Its lean body and long legs add to its unique look2.

Large Ears and Triangular Face

The Devon Rex has big, rounded ears that sit low on its wide, triangular head, giving it an otherworldly look3. Its high cheekbones and big, expressive eyes make its face even more striking3.

Wavy Coat and Prominent Features

This breed is also known for its short, wavy coat3. Unlike other cats, the Devon Rex has a curly coat that can be soft or have prominent kinks2. Its fragile, sparse coat and bony neck and chest make it even more distinctive3.

“The Devon Rex’s distinctive features, including its large ears, triangular face, and wavy coat, give it an almost alien-like appearance that captivates cat enthusiasts.”

Personality Traits

The Devon Rex is known for its lively personality and fun nature. This cat is active, loving to move and play4. They are also very sociable, making great friends for both families and single people. They love being around people and will often follow you, looking for hugs and play5.

Active, Playful, and Sociable

Devon Rex cats are full of energy and have a playful personality. They’re always moving, doing fun things and getting into mischief that makes their families laugh4. They also love being around people, always looking for attention and company from their owners5.

Affectionate and Attention-Seeking

Devon Rexes are not just active and playful; they’re also very affectionate and attention-seeking. They need lots of human time and will do anything to get it4. They show their love by following you everywhere, cuddling, and even playing to get your attention5.

“The Devon Rex’s captivating personality is a true testament to the joys of feline companionship. Their active, playful, and sociable nature, combined with their affectionate and attention-seeking traits, make them delightful companions for any household.”

Origins and History

The Devon Rex cat breed started in Buckfastleigh, Devon, England in the 1960s67. Beryl Cox found a curly-coated kitten named Kirlee, thinking it was linked to the Cornish Rex6. But, more breeding showed it had a unique genetic mutation6.

Cox then worked hard to keep Kirlee’s special traits6. The Devon Rex came to the US in 1968, a decade after the Cornish Rex7. It got official breed status from the Cat Fanciers’ Association in 19797.

Now, the Devon Rex is recognized by top cat registries like the Cat Fanciers’ Association and The International Cat Association7. It’s known for its short, curly coat, big eyes, and a cute head. The Devon Rex is a favourite among cat lovers around the world6.

“The Devon Rex is a unique and captivating breed that has captured the hearts of cat lovers everywhere. Its fascinating origins and distinctive appearance make it a true standout among feline companions.”

Grooming and Coat Care

The Devon Rex has a special coat that sheds very little, making grooming easy compared to other cats8. Their coat can be thick and curly or thin and sparse, sometimes looking wavy or like corkscrew curls8. Still, they don’t need much grooming8.

Minimal Grooming Required

Because of their short, fragile coat, Devon Rex cats only need a gentle wipe with a damp cloth once a week8. They don’t need brushing often, as their hairs are easy to break and can lead to bald spots8. Sometimes, they might need a bath to stay clean, but too much grooming can hurt their delicate coat8.

Fragile Whiskers and Eyebrows

Devon Rex cats also have fragile whiskers and eyebrows8. Their whiskers are short and can break easily, unlike other cats’ long ones8. Their eyebrows are also delicate and shed a lot8. So, grooming them needs to be careful to avoid hurting these features8.

To keep a Devon Rex healthy and looking good, grooming should be gentle and simple8. Getting advice from a vet can also help meet their special grooming needs8.

Devon Rex

The Devon Rex is a unique and captivating cat breed. It’s known for its curly coat and engaging personality9. They have big ears and triangular faces, giving them an almost alien look9. Despite their quirky appearance, Devon Rexes are very affectionate, playful, and social. They make great companions for those who can give them lots of attention and care.

They originated in Devon and Cornwall, UK, in 1959 with a special kitten named Kirlee9. Their big ears and short, curly coats are key features9. Devon Rexes come in many colours and patterns, like solid, shaded, smoke, and tabby10.

Coat Colour Coat Pattern
  • White
  • Blue
  • Black
  • Chocolate
  • Cream
  • Red
  • Lavender
  • Cinnamon
  • Fawn
  • Shaded
  • Chinchilla
  • Smoke
  • Tabby
  • Tortoiseshell
  • Calico
  • Bi-color
  • Pointed
  • Mink
  • Sepia

Devon Rexes are not just visually striking but also have a charming personality. They are full of energy, love to play, and form strong bonds with people9. They enjoy being around their humans and need lots of attention and playtime.

However, Devon Rexes need special care due to their delicate features. They have fragile whiskers and eyebrows that need gentle handling9. They can also have health issues like hip dysplasia and patellar luxation, so regular vet visits are important11.

In summary, the Devon Rex is a unique and captivating cat breed. They offer a mix of special looks and a loving personality. For those who can give them the right care, a Devon Rex can be a wonderful addition to any home91011.

Exercise and Enrichment

The Devon Rex is known for its lively and playful nature. It needs lots of chances for both physical and mental fun12. These cats do well with different toys and places to climb in their homes.

High Energy and Playful Nature

Devon Rex cats love to jump, climb, and play in various ways12. They need a mix of play options that challenge them physically and mentally.

Interactive Toys and Climbing Surfaces

Offering Devon Rexes places to climb, like cat trees and window perches, lets them explore and move up high13. Toys like puzzle feeders, fetch toys, and wand toys also keep them mentally and physically active.

By giving Devon Rex cats lots of enrichment activities, owners can meet their energy needs and keep them curious and playful12. This is good for their wellbeing and stops them from getting bored or acting out from lack of things to do.

Devon Rex Climbing

“Devon Rex cats are natural-born athletes, with a penchant for jumping, climbing, and engaging in various interactive games and activities.”

Health Considerations

The Devon Rex is usually a healthy breed, but owners should know about some health issues. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a common heart disease that makes the heart muscle thicken14. This can cause heart failure, blood clots, and irregular heartbeats, especially in Devon Rexes14. It’s important to take them for regular vet check-ups to catch HCM early.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is the top heart disease in Devon Rex cats14. It’s a genetic issue that makes the heart muscle thicken, leading to heart failure, blood clots, and odd heart rhythms14. Breeders try to test their cats for HCM, but it’s still a worry. Regular vet visits, including heart scans, are key to keeping an eye on and managing HCM in these cats.

Patellar Luxation and Dental Issues

Devon Rexes can also get patellar luxation, where the kneecap moves out of place, causing pain or an odd walk14. They often face dental problems like gum disease and tooth decay because of their special teeth14. Keeping up with dental care, like brushing teeth and using dental toys, is crucial for their oral health.

Even though Devon Rexes are usually healthy, owners should be alert to these health issues. Working with a vet and following good breeding practices can help manage these problems. This way, Devon Rexes can be happy pets for their families.

Unique Physical Traits

The Devon Rex is known for its unique look. It has a heart-shaped head and large, expressive eyes. These features give it a magical, pixie-like appearance15. The head shape, cheekbones, and short nose make its face stand out.

Devon Rexes also have short, curly coats. Their fur is wavy or kinked, feeling soft like lamb’s wool15. They come in many colours and patterns, like solid, tabby, and calico, making them visually stunning15.

Heart-Shaped Head and Large Eyes

The Devon Rex’s heart-shaped head and big eyes make it look magical15. Its face, with prominent cheekbones and a short nose, is unforgettable.

Curly Coat Texture and Variety of Colours

Its coat is short and curly, feeling soft like lamb’s wool15. Devon Rexes have a variety of colours and patterns, including solid and tabby, adding to their charm15.

“The Devon Rex’s unique physical traits, from its heart-shaped head to its curly coat, create a captivating and distinctive appearance that sets this breed apart from other cats.”

The Devon Rex stands out with its special looks. Its face and soft, curly coat make it a unique and amazing cat.

Indoor Living

The Devon Rex has a unique curly coat and big ears, making it perfect for indoor life. They don’t have the thick fur needed for harsh outdoor conditions. This makes them sensitive to the sun and cold16.

Owners must give their Devon Rex a warm, safe spot indoors. These cats can get sunburned and easily feel cold. So, they should stay away from direct sunlight and drafts17.

  • Average monthly indoor time for Devon Rex cats: 90%17
  • Prevalence of specialized indoor playgrounds for Devon Rex cats: 25%17
  • Adoption rate of Devon Rex cats for indoor living: 80%17

The Devon Rex has a thin, curly coat that needs special care. Regular brushing and baths help prevent mats and keep them healthy16.

Grooming Considerations for Devon Rex Cats Recommendation
Coat Type Short, curly, and fragile
Grooming Frequency Regular brushing and occasional baths
Grooming Challenges Prone to matting and skin irritation

By creating a safe, warm indoor space and meeting their grooming needs, Devon Rex owners help their cats live happily and healthily181716.

Intelligent and Trainable

The Devon Rex is known for being very smart and easy to train19. They are curious and love to please, making them quick learners. They do well with positive training methods like clicker training19. This makes them great at learning tricks and commands, which also strengthens the bond with their owners19.

These cats are perfect for training because they are so smart and eager to learn20. They can learn lots of tricks, showing how well they can be trained20.

  • Devon Rex cats are highly intelligent and easily trainable compared to other breeds20.
  • Owners can teach Devon Rex cats a variety of tricks and commands, further strengthening the bond between cat and human19.
  • The breed’s high intelligence and eagerness to learn make them excellent candidates for training, providing both mental stimulation and a fun way to engage with their owners20.

Using positive training like clicker training, Devon Rex owners can use their cat’s curiosity and desire to please21. This not only helps with learning and tricks but also makes the bond between cat and human stronger21.

In summary, the Devon Rex is a smart and trainable cat19. With the right training, they can learn many tricks and commands, showing off their smarts19. This training also makes the bond between them and their owners even stronger19.


The Devon Rex is a captivating cat breed known for its unique look and loving nature. They have alien-like facial features and are playful, affectionate. These cats are a joy to have around, with their curly fur and big ears adding to their charm. Devon Rex cats are known for their curly and wavy fur, large ears that contribute to their unique look, and a playful, friendly temperament that keeps them eager to explore and interact with their owners22.

They need some special care, like being careful with their environment and gentle grooming. But, they are great companion cats for those who give them the love and care they need. The Swedish breed club for Cornish and Devon Rex has set health test requirements for breeders, with females screened for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) and males screened at various ages. HCM is not very common in these breeds in Sweden23.

If you like their unique features or their friendly nature, the Devon Rex will surely impress you. They are smart, easy to train, and love to play. These cats are described as highly intelligent, trainable, and always eager to play and explore, providing endless entertainment for their owners22. With the right care, a Devon Rex can be a loving companion cat, winning the hearts of everyone in the home.

In conclusion, the Devon Rex is a special cat that brings a unique and rewarding experience. Its distinct look and loving personality make it unforgettable to all who meet it.


What makes the Devon Rex breed unique?

The Devon Rex stands out with its unique look. It has big ears, large eyes, and a triangular face. Its short, wavy coat comes in many colours and patterns.

What is the personality of the Devon Rex?

Devon Rexes love to be active and are very friendly. They make great pets for families. They also enjoy cuddles and will follow their owners around for attention.

How did the Devon Rex breed originate?

The Devon Rex started in Buckfastleigh, Devon, England in the 1960s. A kitten named Kirlee was the first with a curly coat. Beryl Cox thought it was linked to the Cornish Rex at first.

How much grooming do Devon Rexes require?

Devon Rexes have a low-maintenance coat. They don’t need much brushing. A weekly wipe with a damp cloth and occasional baths keep them clean.

What health considerations should Devon Rex owners be aware of?

Devon Rexes might face health issues like heart disease, kneecap problems, and dental issues. These are due to their unique body structure.

Are Devon Rexes well-suited for indoor living?

Yes, they’re perfect for indoor living. Their thin fur makes them sensitive to the sun and cold. Keep them in warm places and out of direct sunlight.

How intelligent and trainable are Devon Rexes?

Devon Rexes are smart and easy to train. They learn quickly with positive methods like clicker training. This helps owners teach them tricks and commands.

Source Links

  1. Devon Rex Facts – Wisdom Panelâ„¢ Cat Breeds –
  2. The Playful and Personable Devon Rex Cat –
  3. Unusual Cat Breeds: Devon Rex –
  4. What to Know About a Devon Rex –
  5. Devon Rex Cat: Info, Traits & Pictures – Catster –
  6. Devon Rex –
  7. Devon Rex | VCA Animal Hospitals –
  8. Neskarex – Coat Care –
  9. Devon Rex History –
  10. 11 Devon Rex Colors (Common & Unique Varieties) – Catster –
  11. Devon Rex –
  12. Devon Rex Breed Guide –
  13. Breed Spotlight: The Devon Rex –
  14. Devon Rex –
  15. Devon Rex Facts | Curly Pride Cattery –
  16. The Enchanting Devon Rex: A Whimsical Feline Companion – Extreme Electric Dog Fence 2024 DIY – Kits –
  17. Devon Rex: Personality, Diet, Grooming, Training –
  18. Everything You Should Know About Devon Rex Cats –
  19. All About Devon Rex Cats –
  20. Cat Breed Spotlight: Devon Rex – Dr. Bills Pet Nutrition –
  21. Devon Rex Cat Breed: Profile, Personality, Facts –
  22. Discovering the Playful Personality of the Devon Rex Breed –
  23. Devon rex cats –

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