
Discover the Unique Lykoi Cat: Werewolf Kitty

Imagine a cat that looks like a miniature werewolf, with a unique look and an intriguing gaze. This breed is called the Lykoi, and it has won the hearts of cat lovers worldwide1. Over the past 20 years, a natural change has happened in domestic cats, leading to the Lykoi. The first litter was born in July 2010, and another set came in September of the same year1. The official start of the Lykoi breeding programme was on 14th September 2011, beginning a journey to save this special cat.

The name “Lykoi” comes from the Greek word for “wolf,” fitting for these cats1. Breeders have worked hard to create these werewolf-like cats through a natural change. They pick black domestic cats with the Lykoi gene to make these unique kittens2. These cats have a look that stands out, captivating anyone who loves cats.

Key Takeaways

  • The Lykoi Cat is a unique breed that has emerged from a natural mutation in domestic cats over the past 20 years.
  • Lykoi Cats have a distinctive partially hairless appearance, resembling miniature werewolves.
  • The Lykoi breeding programme was officially launched in September 2011, and the breed has since gained recognition from various feline associations.
  • Lykoi Cats are known for their intelligent, sociable, and affectionate personalities, making them captivating companions.
  • Due to the rarity of the breed, it is important to verify the lineage when acquiring a Lykoi Cat to ensure authenticity.

The Lykoi: A Breed Apart

Etymology and Origins of the Werewolf Cat

The Lykoi, known as the “werewolf cat,” get their name from the Greek word “Lykos” (λύκος), meaning “wolf”3. They were first found in 2010 in Virginia, USA. Two litters of kittens with a wolf-like look were discovered by Johnny Gobble, Brittney Gobble, and Patti Thomas4. Since then, over 200 more Lykoi have been bred through careful breeding3.

This breed has a special genetic mutation that makes them look wolf-like. This mutation is not linked to other hairless cat breeds, like the Sphynx4. Lykoi can be almost hairless or almost fully coated, with the best look being 50% to 100% guard hair3. They also have a mix of colored and roan hairs, with 30% to 70% being colored4.

The Lykoi breed is recognized by cat registries like the GCCF in 20204. The CFA accepted them in 2018 and made them a championship breed in 20233. Their unique look and history have made them a rare and interesting part of the domestic shorthair cat world.

Breed Characteristics Details
Origin Discovered in 2010 in Virginia, USA4
Breed Recognition
  • Recognised by GCCF in 20204
  • Accepted by CFA for registration in 2018, advanced to championship status in 20233
  • Granted championship status by TICA in 20174
Coat Characteristics
  • Ideal range of guard hair coverage: 50% to 100%3
  • Ideal range of amelanistic (roan) coverage: 30% to 70%4
  • Soft, short to medium length4
  • Mixture of colored and white hairs4
  • Dog-like, friendly, affectionate, extrovert, and active4
  • Intelligent, bond well with humans, suitable for families with children and other animals4
  • Robust and healthy, no known breed-specific issues4
  • Sensitive to cold and sun exposure, recommended for indoor living5

The Lykoi’s unique look and history have made them a rare and interesting part of the domestic shorthair cat world. With their wolf-like features and special coat, they have won the hearts of cat lovers everywhere.

Distinctive Physical Traits

The Lykoi, also known as the “werewolf cat,” has a unique look. They can be fully or partially hairless, showing off their special coat6. Their fur looks like an opossum’s, with a roan colour and a wispy texture6.

Lykoi cats stand out from the Canadian Sphynx with their own unique features. They have a wedge-shaped head, big walnut eyes, and tall, upright ears that make them look wolf-like7. Their bodies are lean, muscular, and well-proportioned, not too big6.

Sometimes, Lykoi cats lose all their hair and then grow it back, making them even more interesting7. Their changing coat and striking face make the Lykoi a special cat to have as a pet.

A Rare and Fascinating Mutation

Genetics and Breeding of the Lykoi

The Lykoi cat breed started in 2011 with a stray black domestic shorthair kitten8. This natural mutation has been studied a lot, showing how hair grows and stays on the Lykoi. This makes them look like werewolves.

Studies show that some Lykoi cats don’t grow hair or lose it easily, leading to bald spots8. Tests proved this odd look is a real mutation, not made by breeders.

To keep the Lykoi’s unique look, breeders mix them with black domestic cats8. This careful mixing has made the breed more popular. More people love the Lykoi for its rare and interesting mutation.

Genetic Insights into Unique Cat Breeds
  • A study in the Genomics journal in 2008 looked at cat breeds and random-bred cats’ genes9.
  • Research in Animal Genetics in 2013 explored how cats have changed under domestication9.
  • A 2013 study in PLoS ONE found a mutation that defines the Cornish rex breed9.
  • The Journal of Heredity published a study on the Selkirk rex breed in 20129.
  • A 2013 report found a gene linked to the curly coat of Selkirk rex cats9.

These studies have changed our understanding of unique cat breeds like the Lykoi9. They’ve shown us how genetics and mutations shape a cat’s look9.

“The Lykoi’s rare and fascinating mutation has captured the imagination of cat enthusiasts around the world, and the ongoing genetic research into this breed promises to unveil even more insights into the remarkable diversity of our feline companions.”

Lykoi Temperament and Personality

The Lykoi, also known as the “Werewolf Cat”, is famous for its unique personality. These cats are affectionate, loyal, and show dog-like behaviour. They make great companions for those who love cats10.

Lykoi cats are smart and love to play. They need lots of toys and activities to keep their minds sharp10. They get on well with other cats and love being around their human family. They often follow their owners and ask for attention10.

These cats live between 10 to 15 years11. They are full of energy and love to play. Their lean bodies make them agile and active. Males are usually bigger than females10.

The Lykoi’s look, with some hairlessness and special roan colouring12, makes them stand out. But, they are not hypoallergenic. Their fur can cause allergies in some people11.

In summary, the Lykoi cat’s charming nature, smarts, and playful spirit make them a unique and captivating breed. They have won the hearts of many cat lovers10.

Caring for Your Lykoi

Owning a Lykoi cat, also known as the “werewolf cat,” means you need to pay extra attention to their grooming, diet, and health. These cats stand out with their unique look. Their care needs match their special traits.

Grooming Needs

Lykoi cats have a special coat that sheds seasonally13. They can lose a lot of fur, making them almost bald. Brushing regularly helps manage this shedding13. Owners must be ready to spend time grooming their Lykoi to keep their coat healthy and skin irritation-free.

Dietary Considerations

Feeding your Lykoi cat a high-quality diet is key13. They have specific nutritional needs for their health. Wet, dry, or raw food can work, but check with a vet for the best diet plan14. A balanced diet is vital for their health and long life.

Common Health Considerations

The Lykoi cat is a new breed with no breed-specific health issues14. But, they can get common cat health problems15. Regular vet visits, preventive care, and watching for any health changes are crucial for their well-being.

Knowing about the grooming, diet, and health needs of the Lykoi cat helps owners give them the right care. This ensures a happy and long life together.

Lykoi Recognition and Breed Standards

The Lykoi cat, also known as the “Werewolf Cat,” has become well-known in the cat breeding world16. It was first bred in 2011, and its special look comes from a recessive gene16. To avoid too much inbreeding, they were crossed with shorthair black domestic cats16.

The International Cat Association (TICA) was the first to officially accept the Lykoi in 201216. They got Championship status in 201716. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) also lets Lykoi cats compete in shows, starting in the 2023-2024 season17.

The breed standards highlight their roan coat and wolf-like look17. Lykoi cats have special coat patterns, mixing amelanistic and solid black hair16. They lack hair on their face and ears, but their ears are tall and pointed16. Males are bigger than females, and their ears have a wide base16.

Lykoi cats are healthy and strong, with little inbreeding16. They are smart and can solve problems, even acting like dogs by fetching and hunting16. They shed their coat once a year, and their skin can turn black in sunlight or heat16.

Lykoi cat

The Lykoi’s unique traits and growing popularity make it a breed that cat lovers around the world admire17.

Finding a Reputable Lykoi Breeder

Looking to add a Lykoi cat to your family? It’s key to find a breeder who follows responsible breeding practices18. With only about 30 Lykoi breeders globally, mostly in the US, finding one requires careful research.

A good Lykoi breeder cares deeply for the breed’s well-being. They ensure kittens are at least 13 weeks old before rehoming, aiming for 15 or 16 weeks for best development19. They might ask for a deposit, with the rest paid when you collect your kitten, a way to confirm the sale18.

Also, a reliable Lykoi breeder joins a cat breeding group like the GCCF or TICA18. This shows they follow breed standards and ethical breeding, ensuring kittens are healthy and pure.

When choosing a Lykoi breeder, look for signs of responsible breeding. They should offer 4 to 5 weeks of insurance for the kitten18. Make sure the kitten is fully vaccinated, wormed, microchipped, and vet-checked when you get it18. Joining online Lykoi groups can also give you insights into the breeder’s reputation and the Lykoi community18.

By doing your homework and finding a reputable Lykoi breeder, you’re sure to get a healthy, well-adjusted kitten. This kitten will match the breed’s unique traits and personality.

The Lykoi: A Unique and Captivating Breed

The Lykoi has a unique look, similar to a werewolf, making it stand out among cats20. This breed was first found in 2010 and became official in 2011. It has since caught the eye of cat lovers and the general public20. Their mix of a dog-like personality and special looks make them a standout in the cat world.

Lykoi cats go through a dramatic hair change twice a year, showing off their20 werewolf-like look. Even without much hair, they always look a bit fluffy. These cats live for 12 to 15 years20. They weigh between 6 to 12 pounds and are about 8 to 10 inches long20.

This breed is still quite rare, giving those who want one a chance to have a unique pet20. Lykoi cats are friendly and full of energy, making them great for anyone looking for a loving pet20. They’re getting more popular in the US, UK, and Germany21. Their striking22 black colour adds to their werewolf-like charm, making them a favourite among cat lovers.


What is a Lykoi cat?

The Lykoi, also known as the “werewolf cat” or “wolf cat”, is a unique cat breed. It comes from a natural mutation that makes some domestic shorthaired cats partially hairless.

What is the origin of the Lykoi breed?

Johnny Gobble, Brittney Gobble, and Patti Thomas founded the Lykoi breed in 2011. They discovered two litters of kittens with a special, partially hairless look. DNA tests showed these cats didn’t have the Sphynx/Devon Rex gene.

What are the distinctive physical traits of the Lykoi?

Lykoi cats can be fully or partially hairless. They may lose and then regrow their hair. They have a roan coat, wedge-shaped head, and a lean, solid body.

How did the Lykoi’s unique appearance develop?

Genetic tests show the Lykoi’s hairlessness is a natural mutation. Dermatologists found some Lykoi lack the right components for hair growth. Others produce hair but can’t keep it, leading to bald spots.

What is the Lykoi’s personality like?

Lykoi cats are known for being sweet and loving. They love human company and are very smart. They enjoy playing and get along well with other cats.

What are the grooming and care requirements for Lykoi?

Lykoi need regular grooming, especially when they shed. They should eat a good diet, whether it’s wet, dry, or raw. As a new breed, Lykoi don’t have specific health issues, but they should be watched for common cat health problems.

When was the Lykoi breed recognised?

The Lykoi breed was first recognised by The International Cat Association (TICA) in 2012. They became a Championship breed in 2017. The Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA) accepted them for Championship shows starting in the 2023-2024 season.

How can I find a reputable Lykoi breeder?

There are only about 30 Lykoi breeders worldwide, mostly in the US. When choosing a breeder, look for responsible practices like not rehoming kittens too early. They should focus on one or two breeds and be part of a cat breeding association.

Source Links

  1. History | Lykoi Kitten –
  2. This Adorable Kitty Looks Like a Werewolf: Here’s Why –
  3. Lykoi – cfa –
  4. Lykoi – Your Cat –
  5. Cat Food and a Description of the Breed –
  6. Lykoi –
  7. Lykoi Facts – Wisdom Panel™ Cat Breeds –
  8. The Most Unusual Cat Breeds – KittyNook Cat Company –
  9. Werewolf, There Wolf: Variants in Hairless Associated with Hypotrichia and Roaning in the Lykoi Cat Breed –
  10. Lykoi Cat Breed (Wolf Cat): Pictures, Info, Care Guide & More – Catster –
  11. Get to know the Lykoi Cat – a.k.a. the Werewolf Cat –
  12. Lykoi Cat Breed Profile | Litter-Robot –
  13. Meet the Lykoi Cat –
  14. Lykoi (Wolf Cat) –
  15. What to Know About a Lykoi –
  16. Lykoi Breed –
  17. Lykoi –
  18. Kitten Buyers Guide | Shalnavazz Lykoi UK –
  19. LYKOI CATS –
  20. Lykoi: Pet Profile (Breed Overview) | Dutch –
  21. The Enigmatic Lykoi Cat Breed — A Comprehensive Guide –
  22. Lykoi – the werewolf cat – Friends animals –

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