Exotic Shorthair

Exotic Shorthair: The Perfect Flat-Faced Feline

Did you know the Exotic Shorthair can live up to 12 to 15 years1? This breed combines the Persian’s charm with a shorter, easier-to-maintain coat. They have a compact, muscular body, round faces, and short, plush coats that don’t shed much. Exotic Shorthairs are truly the essence of elegance and grace in cats.

Key Takeaways

  • Exotic Shorthairs are a captivating flat-faced feline breed with a shorter, low-maintenance coat.
  • They boast a compact, muscular build, a distinctive round face, and a plush, short-haired coat that sheds minimally.
  • Exotic Shorthairs make wonderful indoor companions with their affectionate, easygoing temperament and low exercise needs.
  • The Exotic Shorthair breed originated in America in the 1950s through a breeding program involving American Shorthairs and Persians1.
  • Exotic Shorthairs are prone to hereditary health issues such as brachycephaly, kidney failure, and respiratory problems1.

Introduction to the Exotic Shorthair

The Exotic Shorthair is a stunning cat with a round face, short muzzle, and big eyes, similar to the Persian breed2. These features make them look charming. But, they can also lead to health issues common in flat-faced cats23.

Charming Flat-Faced Companions

Exotic Shorthairs are big cats with broad heads, low ears, and large eyes2. They come in many colours and patterns, like white, red, and tortoiseshell2.

Health Considerations for Flat-Faced Breeds

Exotic Shorthairs face breathing, eye, and dental problems because of their flat faces3. Owners need to know these issues and take special care to keep their cats healthy3.

Characteristic Details
Lifespan 8-11 years2
Breed Acceptance Accepted for championship in TICA in 19792
Grooming Easy grooming, less than Persians, just combing and eye care2
Personality They are calm, quiet, gentle, and sweet, loving and curious2

“Exotic Shorthairs may have breathing and dental issues due to their flat faces.”3

The Exotic Shorthair was created in the US in the 1950s and 1960s by mixing Persians with American Shorthairs3. This mix led to health problems, which owners should be ready to manage.

Physical Characteristics of the Exotic Shorthair

The Exotic Shorthair is a stunning cat breed. It mixes the beauty of the Persian with the strength of the American Shorthair. This cat has a cobby body that’s medium-sized, measuring 25 – 30 cm and weighing 3.5 to 6 kg4.

Its rounded face and short muzzle remind us of the Persian cat. Their large, expressive eyes are wide apart and shine in colours like deep copper, blue, and green. This makes the breed truly captivating45.

Expressive Eyes in Various Colours

Exotic Shorthairs stand out with their large eyes that are set wide apart. These eyes, along with their rounded faces and short muzzles, make them look adorable and like a cuddly teddy bear5.

The Exotic Shorthair’s looks are a mix of its Persian heritage and American Shorthair roots. This creates a unique and beautiful cat5.

“The Exotic Shorthair’s distinctive round face and short muzzle, reminiscent of the Persian cat, give it an undeniably adorable and appealing look.”

The Exotic Shorthair’s Coat

The Exotic Shorthair’s coat is a big draw for many. It’s short and plush, needing much less grooming than the Persian’s long fur. While Persians need daily brushing, Exotic Shorthairs only need a weekly brush to stay looking great6. This makes them perfect for those who love the look of Persians but don’t want the grooming hassle. Plus, their fur sheds less, making them a good choice for those with allergies6.

Plush and Short-Haired

The Exotic Shorthair’s coat is soft and dense, giving it a unique look6. It’s a mix of the Persian’s look and the American Shorthair’s low-shedding traits6. You can find these cats in many colours, like black, blue, and many others6.

Low-Maintenance Grooming

Exotic Shorthairs need much less grooming than long-haired cats. They only need brushing once a week to keep their fur soft6. This makes them great for owners who want a low-care pet but still love the Persian look6.

“The Exotic Shorthair’s short, low-shedding fur makes them a more suitable choice for those with allergies compared to long-haired breeds.”

Characteristic Value
Height 10–12 inches6
Weight 10–12 pounds6
Lifespan 8–15 years6
Colours Black, blue, ebony, sable, cream, cinnamon, beige, lavender, lilac, silver, red, white, orange6

Exotic Shorthair Personality and Temperament

The Exotic Shorthair is a lovely cat, mixing the Persian’s love with the American Shorthair’s calmness7. They form strong bonds with their families, loving to cuddle and relax together8. These cats are perfect for homes with kids and pets, as long as they’re introduced carefully7.

Affectionate and Loyal

Exotic Shorthairs love their humans a lot8. They enjoy being close and will often sit with their owners for hours7. These cats like to follow their owners around, wanting to be part of their daily life7.

Easygoing and Low-Energy

Exotic Shorthairs are not very active, preferring to sleep and relax7. They’re calm and easygoing, making them great for living in apartments7.

Gets Along Well with Families and Other Pets

These cats are great with families and pets7. With careful introductions, they can live well with kids and other pets, like dogs7. Their friendly nature and calmness make them perfect for any family size8.

“The Exotic Shorthair is a true charmer, with a personality that is both endearing and low-maintenance. Their affectionate nature and easygoing disposition make them a delightful addition to any family.”

Exotic Shorthair History and Origin

The Exotic Shorthair breed started in the United States in the 1950s. Breeders wanted to mix the Persian cat’s looks with a shorter coat9. They used American Shorthair, Burmese, and Russian Blue cats to achieve this9.

The breed was first recognized by the Cat Fanciers’ Association in 196710. The first Grand Champion Exotic Shorthair was in 197110. Over time, the breed’s gene pool grew. The Cat Fanciers’ Association set rules, allowing only Persians as breeding partners9.

Now, the Exotic Shorthair is a top breed, ranking fourth in popularity in 202210. It’s recognized in many countries, including the UK, where the GCCF gave it full Championship status in 19959.

The Exotic Shorthair Fanciers organization started in 1969 to support the breed9. In 1991, an Exotic was named Cat of the Year by the Cat Fanciers’ Association10. The next year, their Best Kitten was also an Exotic10.

Exotic Shorthairs may carry a gene for long hair from Persians, leading to longhaired kittens9.

Key Events in Exotic Shorthair History Year
Exotic Shorthair first accepted for Championship status by the Cat Fanciers’ Association 196710
First Exotic Shorthair achieved Grand Champion status 197110
Exotic Shorthair named Cat Fanciers’ Association’s Cat of the Year 199110
Exotic Shorthair named Cat Fanciers’ Association’s Best Kitten 199210
Exotic Shorthair Fanciers organization founded in the USA 19699
Exotic Shorthairs granted full Championship status by the GCCF in the UK 19959

Caring for an Exotic Shorthair

Exotic Shorthairs are easier to care for than their long-haired cousins, the Persians. They only need brushing once or twice a week to keep their coats looking great11. But, they shed more during certain seasons, so they might need more grooming and baths then. Their flat faces can also cause tear stains, so it’s important to clean their faces regularly with a soft cloth.

Grooming Requirements

These cats have a short, plush coat that’s easy to maintain, needing only weekly brushing11. They shed less than some other breeds, making them a good choice for those who don’t want to spend a lot of time grooming12. It’s crucial to keep their eyes and face clean to stop stains and keep them comfortable.

Exercise Needs

Exotic Shorthairs are not very active and are happy with some playtime and a cat tree for fun12. They’re great for indoor living because they don’t need a lot of exercise. Still, they should have chances to play and explore around the house.

“Exotic Shorthairs are the perfect flat-faced feline for those seeking a low-maintenance, affectionate, and loyal companion.”

  1. Exotic Shorthairs can weigh up to 15 pounds and reach up to 30 inches in length12.
  2. They can live up to 15 years and are known for being gentle and patient, making them great with kids and other pets11.
  3. Even with their flat faces, they fit well in different homes, including apartments, as they love to find cozy spots and be near their owners11.

Exotic Shorthairs are usually healthy but need regular vet visits and care for possible health issues. These can include breathing problems and genetic conditions like PKD, which can be caught early with screenings1113. With the right care, these lovely cats can be wonderful indoor pets.

Health Concerns for Exotic Shorthairs

Exotic Shorthairs have special health issues because of their flat faces. It’s vital to take them to the vet regularly. This helps catch and treat problems early, so they can live a long, healthy life.

Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a big concern for these cats. It’s a heart disease that can make them weak, cause an irregular heartbeat, and make breathing hard14.

Polycystic Kidney Disease

Exotic Shorthairs can get polycystic kidney disease too. This means their kidneys get bigger and don’t work right. If not treated, it can lead to kidney failure14.

Respiratory Issues

Their flat faces make breathing hard, especially in warm, humid places. They often get breathing problems like infections because of their short noses and narrow nostrils14.

Exotic Shorthairs can also face other health issues, like eye problems, skin issues, bladder stones, and brachycephalic airway syndrome14. Taking good care of them is key. This includes regular vet visits, proper grooming, controlling their diet, and keeping their teeth clean.

“Exotic Shorthairs need careful care and attention to stay healthy. Catching and managing their health issues early is key to their well-being.”

Exotic Shorthair Size and Appearance

The Exotic Shorthair is a medium-sized cat with a compact, muscular build and a round face15. They have a short muzzle and large, expressive eyes in various colours like deep copper, blue, and green15. They can grow up to 30 inches long and weigh up to 15 pounds15. This makes them sturdy yet gentle companions with a plush, short-haired coat.

Exotic Shorthairs come in many colours and patterns, such as tabby, tortoiseshell, and black and white15. They are the second most popular breed, known for their unique look15. Their compact build, muscular frame, round face, and short muzzle make them stand out.

Despite their cute appearance, Exotics face health issues due to their flat faces15. They might have breathing problems and are prone to genetic diseases like polycystic kidney disease and urinary tract issues15. Breeders are working on DNA testing to prevent these health problems15.

The Exotic Shorthair is a medium-sized, muscular cat with a round face and large eyes15. Their short-haired coats and cuddly look make them charming pets. However, their health needs special attention due to their flat faces.

Exotic Shorthair Lifespan

Exotic Shorthair cats are loved for their cute flat faces and soft, short fur. They usually live between 8 to 15 years, with most living 12 to 15 years161718. With the right care, food, and vet visits, they can have happy, long lives as pets.

These cats are about 10–12 inches tall and weigh 10–12 pounds16. They are usually healthy but might face issues like breathing problems, kidney disease, and eye issues1618. Kittens with very flat faces might have a condition called hydrocephalus from birth16.

Keeping an Exotic Shorthair healthy means feeding them right, keeping them at a good weight, and seeing the vet when needed. These cats love living in homes where they get lots of love and care17.

Trait Average Value
Lifespan 12-15 years
Height 10-12 inches
Weight 10-12 pounds

Exotic Shorthairs are getting more popular, especially after 202317. Their short, thick fur and friendly nature make them great pets for people and families17.

“The Exotic Shorthair is a delightful breed, combining the striking appearance of the Persian with the low-maintenance grooming requirements of a shorter coat. These cats make wonderful, affectionate companions for those seeking a loyal, easygoing pet.”

Similarities and Differences with the Persian

The Exotic Shorthair and Persian cat breeds look similar, especially in their flat faces19. They both have round faces, short noses, and big eyes19. But, they differ in their fur length19.

Persians have long, soft fur that needs daily grooming19. The Exotic Shorthair has a short, soft coat that’s easier to care for, needing just a weekly brush19. Exotic Shorthairs are more playful than Persians, but both are loving and loyal19.

Characteristic Exotic Shorthair Persian
Average Height 10–12 inches2019 10–15 inches19
Average Weight 10–12 pounds2019 7–13 pounds19
Lifespan 8–15 years2019 10–15 years19
Exercise Needs Less than 1 hour a day2019 Around 30-40 minutes daily19
Grooming Needs Moderate2019 Extensive grooming; daily19
Family-Friendly Yes20 Yes, ideal for quiet households19
Other Pet-Friendly Yes20 Sometimes19

The Exotic Shorthair comes from mixing the Persian with the American Shorthair breeds1921. It looks like the Persian but has a shorter, easier coat19. Both breeds can have health issues like kidney disease and breathing problems because of their flat faces19.

The Exotic Shorthair fits well in lively homes19. But, Persians like calm places and might not do well in busy homes19.

Exotic Shorthair Diet and Nutrition

Keeping Exotic Shorthair cats healthy means giving them the right food. These cats need a special diet because of their unique features22. They do well on a diet rich in animal protein for energy and health, with most of their food being human-grade fish or meat22. Cats need 41 essential nutrients to stay fit and full of energy22.

Feeding Exotic Shorthairs requires a plan made with a vet’s help22. Scrumbles offers special cat food without common allergens like dairy and soy22. They have calculators to help avoid obesity by matching food portions to the cat’s activity level22. All their food is made by nutritionists and checked by vets22.

For Exotic Shorthair kittens, starting solid food smoothly is key23. Kittens stop nursing at 8-12 weeks old23. It’s best to feed them high-quality kitten food23. Adding water to their wet food helps keep their kidneys healthy23. Changing their diet too fast can cause weight loss, so it’s important to do it slowly23.

  • Feed Exotic Shorthair kittens a diet full of protein, without grains, and with no artificial colours or preservatives23.
  • Raw meat like lamb or chicken can be given for variety, but no bones23.
  • Don’t give kittens onions, garlic, chocolate, or grapes as they are toxic23.

By giving Exotic Shorthairs the right food and following the right feeding tips, owners can keep their cats healthy and avoid obesity22.

“Proper nutrition is the foundation of a healthy Exotic Shorthair cat. Working closely with your veterinarian to develop a tailored feeding plan is key to ensuring your feline friend thrives.”

Adopting or Purchasing an Exotic Shorthair

Getting an Exotic Shorthair kitten is exciting, but it’s important to think it through. Finding one in shelters or rescue groups might be hard, but it’s possible24. If you’re interested, talk to your vet, local rescue groups, or breed-specific rescues about adult Exotic Shorthairs needing a home.

If you decide to buy from a breeder, make sure they’re reputable and have health checks done25. Good breeders will share info on the kitten’s family, health, and how they’ve been raised. Stay away from breeders with many litters or who take online payments, as this might mean they’re not ethical. With careful research and choosing a responsible breeder or rescue, you can find a wonderful Exotic Shorthair kitten.

Considerations Adoption Responsible Breeder
Cost Typically lower 25 Around 1,000 euros
Health Certifications May vary 25 Comprehensive health checks
Breed History Limited information 25 Detailed lineage and background
Socialisation Varies by rescue 25 Properly socialised from a young age

When thinking about adopting or buying from a breeder, you can make a well-informed choice. This way, you’ll give a loving home to these beautiful cats2425.

Exotic Shorthair Kittens


The Exotic Shorthair is a delightful cat with a short, easy-to-maintain coat. 26 They have a compact, muscular body, round face, and big, expressive eyes. 26 Their friendly, loyal nature makes them great indoor pets for many families. 262728,,

They do need some special care due to their unique looks. 262728,, But with the right care, Exotic Shorthairs can live long, happy lives. They’re perfect for those who want a cat that looks like a Persian but is easier to look after. 262728,,

Exotic Shorthairs are great indoor cats for many owners. 262728,, Their low-maintenance coat and loving nature make them ideal pets. 262728,, If you like their unique look or their gentle personality, the Exotic Shorthair will surely win your heart.


What is the Exotic Shorthair?

The Exotic Shorthair is a special cat with a short, easy-to-maintain coat. It has the lovely looks of the Persian but is easier to care for.

What are the health considerations for Exotic Shorthairs?

These cats have a flat face, which can lead to breathing and eye problems. They also might have dental issues and need extra care.

What are the physical characteristics of the Exotic Shorthair?

They have a strong, compact body and a round face. Their short muzzle and big, expressive eyes come in many beautiful colours.

How much grooming do Exotic Shorthairs require?

They have a short, plush coat that’s easy to look after. They only need a weekly brush to stay clean.

What is the Exotic Shorthair’s personality like?

These cats are very loving, loyal, and easy-going. They fit well in homes with kids and other pets.

How did the Exotic Shorthair breed develop?

In the US, breeders mixed Persian and American Shorthair cats. They wanted to create a cat with the Persian look but a shorter coat.

What are the grooming and exercise needs of an Exotic Shorthair?

They need a weekly brush and enjoy playing but don’t need much exercise. They love having a cat tree to climb on.

What health concerns are common in Exotic Shorthairs?

They can get heart disease, kidney issues, and breathing problems because of their flat face.

How big do Exotic Shorthairs get?

They are medium-sized, up to 30 inches long and 15 pounds heavy. They have a strong, round face.

What is the average lifespan of an Exotic Shorthair?

With good care and vet visits, they can live up to 15 years.

How do Exotic Shorthairs differ from Persian cats?

Exotic Shorthairs and Persians look similar but the Exotic has a shorter, easier-to-maintain coat.

What are the dietary and nutritional needs of an Exotic Shorthair?

Owners should talk to a vet to make a diet plan for their cat. It should be balanced and not too much to avoid obesity.

How can I find an Exotic Shorthair kitten or adopt an adult?

If you want an Exotic Shorthair, ask your vet, local rescues, or breed-specific groups about kittens or adults. Make sure to choose a reputable source.

Source Links

  1. The Exotic Shorthair is a lovely cat, but one with ailments – https://www.petrebels.com/en/cat-breeds-exotic-shorthair/
  2. Exotic Shorthair Breed – https://www.tica.org/resources/our-cat-section/our-cats-breeds?view=article&id=841:exotic-shorthair-breed&catid=79
  3. Exotic Shorthair Personality: How Do Exotic Shorthairs Act? – https://www.litter-robot.com/blog/exotic-shorthair-personality/
  4. Cat Lovers guide to the Exotic Shorthair Cat – https://catnets.com.au/blogs/cat-demy/cat-lovers-guide-to-the-exotic-shorthair-cat
  5. Exotic Shorthair Facts – Wisdom Panel™ Cat Breeds – https://www.wisdompanel.com/en-gb/cat-breeds/exotic-shorthair
  6. Exotic Shorthair Cat Breed: Info, Pictures, Temperament & Facts – Catster – https://www.catster.com/cat-breeds/exotic-shorthair-cat/
  7. Exotic Shorthair Personality: How Do Exotic Shorthairs Act? – https://www.litter-robot.com/blog/exotic-shorthair-personality/?srsltid=AfmBOooIur7oMVaXBd9zmmMwW9aN7uKeXNoTmC69kbEv8M3FDCMX5AIX
  8. Exotic Shorthair – https://www.dailypaws.com/cats-kittens/cat-breeds/exotic-shorthair
  9. A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE EXOTIC SHORTHAIR – http://messybeast.com/exotic-shorthair-origin.htm
  10. Exotic Shorthair – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exotic_Shorthair
  11. Exotic Shorthair Cats: The Ultimate Guide to Care, Health & Companionship – https://www.petsafe.com/blog/exotic-shorthair-ultimate-guide/
  12. Exotic Shorthair: Cat Breed Profile – https://www.thesprucepets.com/exotic-shorthair-cat-breed-profile-4774331
  13. Exotic Shorthair | International Cat Care – https://icatcare.org/advice/exotic-shorthair/
  14. Exotic Shorthair Cat Health Problems: 10 Vet-Reviewed Issues – Catster – https://www.catster.com/cat-health-care/exotic-shorthair-cat-health-problems/
  15. Exotic Shorthair Cat Breed Information – Vetstreet – https://www.vetstreet.com/cats/exotic-shorthair
  16. Exotic Shorthair – https://www.petmd.com/cat/breeds/exotic-shorthair
  17. Exotic Shorthair – https://www.petduka.com/en/knowledge-base/cat-breeds/exotic-shorthair/
  18. Exotic Shorthair Facts and Information | VioVet – https://www.viovet.co.uk/breed_information/1-38/Exotic-Shorthair
  19. Exotic Shorthair Cat vs Persian Cat: What’s the Difference? – https://sweetpurrfections.com/exotic-shorthair-cat-vs-persian-cat/
  20. Exotic Shorthair Cat vs Persian Cat: Main Differences (With Pictures) – Catster – https://www.catster.com/lifestyle/exotic-shorthair-vs-persian-cat/
  21. Persian Cats or Exotic Shorthairs – https://pelaqitapersians.com/persian-cats-or-exotic-shorthairs/
  22. Exotic Shorthair Cat Breed Guide – https://scrumbles.co.uk/blogs/news/exotic-shorthair-cat
  23. What Do I Feed My Exotic Shorthair Kitten? – https://monchericattery.com/what-should-i-feed-my-exotic-kitten/
  24. Shall I home a second Exotic Shorthair kitten? – https://www.petforums.co.uk/threads/shall-i-home-a-second-exotic-shorthair-kitten.407036/
  25. Exotic Shorthair | zooplus Magazine – https://www.zooplus.co.uk/magazine/cat/cat-breeds/exotic-shorthair
  26. Everything You Should Know About Exotic Shorthair Cats – https://mylovelyfeline.com/en-aus/blogs/content/everything-you-should-know-about-exotic-shorthair-cats
  27. Exotic Shorthair – 10 Reasons to Adore This Breed | Mavyn – https://www.mavyn.com/blog/exotic-shorthair-10-reasons-to-adore-this-breed
  28. Exotic Shorthair – Cat Breed Guide | Spot® – https://spotpet.com/breeds/cat-breeds/exotic-shorthair

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