shih tzu

Shih Tzu: The Adorable Companion Dog

With over 16 million posts on Instagram under #shihtzu, the Shih Tzu is a top favourite among dog lovers1. These “little lions” come from ancient Tibetan dogs and have won hearts with their loving nature, unique look, and ability to fit into different homes2. They weigh between 4 to 7 kilograms and live for 10 to 16 years2. This small breed loves being around people and is perfect for families or those living in flats.

Key Takeaways

  • The Shih Tzu is a small, hypoallergenic toy dog breed with a long, silky coat.
  • Shih Tzus are known for their friendly, affectionate, and loyal temperament, making them excellent family companions.
  • These dogs require regular grooming to maintain their distinctive appearance and prevent matting.
  • Shih Tzus are adaptable to various living environments, including apartments, and thrive on human interaction.
  • While generally healthy, Shih Tzus can be prone to certain genetic conditions that require vigilant care.

The Shih Tzu: A Beloved Breed with a Rich History

The Shih Tzu is an ancient dog breed, with a history over 1,000 years old34. These dogs have been around since 1000 B.C., with records showing their existence in China4. Some believe they were given to Chinese royalty by Tibetan monks3.

Origin and Development in China

Chinese royalty loved these small dogs, featuring them in art and stories3. They were so cherished that some thought the Emperor kept them with lions to calm them down, earning the name “little lion dogs”3. This story might be debated, but it shows the Shih Tzu’s deep connection to Chinese culture and royalty.

The Shih Tzu’s Journey to the West

The Shih Tzu first came to the West in 1928, with the first two dogs in the UK3. By 1939, there were already 100 registered Shih Tzu, and they got their own register in 19403. Lady Brownrigg was a key figure in the UK, breeding 14 litters of Shih Tzu3. This led to the creation of the Shih Tzu Club and the Manchu Shih Tzu Society in the 1950s3.

The Shih Tzu’s fame grew, and they were introduced to the U.S. in the late 1940s and 1950s by American soldiers4. Now, the Shih Tzu is a top dog breed in the U.S4.

Characteristics of the Shih Tzu

Physical Traits and Appearance

The Shih Tzu is famous for its unique looks. They have a flat face, a short snout, floppy ears, and big, expressive eyes5. Their face looks like a lion’s, which is why they’re called “little lion” or “lion dog” in Mandarin6. They have a double coat, with a soft undercoat and a silky topcoat5. Keeping their coat clean is important, so they need regular brushing and trimming to stop mats7.

The Endearing Personality of the Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are very loving and loyal, making them perfect for families or individuals5. They may be small, but they have a big personality5. They love people and enjoy being around them7. With the right training, they can be great pets7.

“Shih Tzus are lovely little dogs that make wonderful family pets with the right training and care.”

In conclusion, the Shih Tzu’s unique looks and loving nature make them a favourite among dog lovers. Their special appearance and friendly personality mean they’re a cherished breed675.

The Shih Tzu as a Companion Dog

The Shih Tzu is a cute and loving dog breed8. They are bred to be loving and loyal pets, enjoying being with their owners8. These dogs are great for families, singles, or the elderly because they are so friendly8.

Affectionate and Loyal to Their Families

Shih Tzus are famous for being very affectionate and loyal8. They love their families and like to be around them all the time8. They are perfect for living in small spaces because they don’t need a lot of room8. But, they need regular exercise and play to stay happy and healthy8.

Shih Tzus do well with other dogs, which helps them not get bored or anxious when left alone9. They also help train other dogs by being good role models9.

Shih Tzus can sometimes be stubborn or act like they’re in charge8. But, with the right training and socialising, they can be great pets8.

“Shih Tzus are a breed that thrives on human companionship and affection. They make wonderful family pets, filling homes with their playful antics and loyal devotion.”

Shih Tzu Breed Traits Description
Affectionate Shih Tzus are known for their loving and affectionate nature, forming strong bonds with their owners8.
Loyal Shih Tzus are deeply loyal to their families, often following their owners around the home8.
Family-Friendly Shih Tzus are generally good with children and other pets when properly socialised8.
Adaptable Shih Tzus can thrive in a variety of living situations, including apartments and smaller homes8.
Energetic Shih Tzus are active and playful, requiring regular exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and content8.

In summary, the Shih Tzu’s traits make them a great choice for many people8. They are loving, loyal, and fit well into different homes8.

Grooming and Care for the Shih Tzu

Looking after a Shih Tzu’s beautiful, silky coat needs a lot of effort. These cute dogs have long, soft fur that needs regular care to stay in top shape10.

Regular Brushing and Trimming

Shih Tzu owners must brush their pets often, as their fur can grow back in a year if cut10. By 7-8 months, their coat’s texture and how easy it is to manage can change10. It’s important to build trust with your dog to make grooming a pleasant experience10.

Using top-notch grooming tools, like a brush with bristles and nylon, a metal comb, and scissors for trimming, is a must for Shih Tzu coat care11. Be patient and gentle when dealing with tangles to avoid hurting your dog10.

Maintaining a Healthy Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus also need regular baths, nail trims, and ear cleanings to stay healthy11. Wash them every 3 weeks with lukewarm water and good dog shampoo to prevent skin problems12. Trim their nails every 6 weeks, and clean their face daily, including around the eyes and ears12.

Products like leave-in sprays and wipes are great for keeping a Shih Tzu’s coat shiny12. Using paw wax and nose balm can also protect their sensitive areas during the seasons12.

Regular, careful grooming is essential for a healthy, content Shih Tzu. Spending time and effort on their coat and health ensures they look and feel great101112.

Shih Tzu: The Perfect Apartment Companion

Many think only big dogs can live in apartments, but that’s not true13. The Shih Tzu is great for apartments because it’s calm, quiet, and loves being indoors. Some big dogs can live in flats too, but small ones might be too lively or bark a lot14.

Shih Tzus are sweet and love to cuddle, making them ideal for apartment living13. They only need about 30 minutes of exercise a day, spread out over two sessions. This means they’re happy in a small living space15.

For Shih Tzus in apartments, a cozy spot with a bed, bowls, toys, and a quiet place for alone time is key15. Getting them groomed every 6 to 8 weeks keeps their coat looking great and keeps them healthy15.

Shih Tzus don’t bark a lot, but they might alert you to strange noises or visitors15. Training and socialising them can help keep the peace with neighbours15.

The Shih Tzu’s small size, calm nature, and loving heart make it a top choice for apartment living141513.

“The Shih Tzu’s gentle temperament and love of cuddling make them the perfect choice for those seeking a loyal and loving companion in an apartment setting.”

Training and Socialising Your Shih Tzu

Training and socialising your Shih Tzu early is key. This breed is smart but can be stubborn. Using positive reinforcement in training helps them behave well and adjust easily16.

Set clear rules and teach basic commands like “sit,” “stay,” “come,” and “leave it” from the start16. Introduce them to different places, people, and animals early to build confidence and adaptability16.

Positive Reinforcement and Early Socialisation

Puppies can learn basic commands from 7 to 8 weeks old16. Start socialising them from 3 to 4 weeks old for a well-adjusted life16. Socialisation ends around 16 weeks, so consistent training and positive reinforcement are vital16.

Positive reinforcement is better than punishment to keep the dog safe and strengthen your bond16. Keep training sessions short and fun to keep your puppy engaged and happy16.

Building trust with your puppy is crucial for a strong bond and their happiness161. Teaching them to come when called keeps them safe and prevents them from getting lost16.

Car rides are important for socialising Shih Tzus, making them associate with positive experiences16. Crate training is also good, giving them a safe space to reduce accidents and behave well17.

Shih Tzus might take up to eight months to learn where to go to the bathroom, so be patient17. They respond well to positive reinforcement, which helps with house training17.

Teaching them to walk on a leash is important to protect their necks and limbs17. Positive reinforcement works better than scolding for leash training, promoting good behaviour17.

Training Week Training Focus
1 Socialisation exercises, basic life skills training, and grooming and husbandry tasks
2 Habit formation, socialisation exercises, training, and grooming tasks
3 Meeting other dogs and finding a puppy class
4 Cafe and pub visits for socialisation
5 Continuous learning and the importance of ongoing training

Using tools like a treat pouch, soft collar, harness, training lead, grooming brush, and playpen helps train Shih Tzu puppies18. With patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement, they can become great companions1617.

Shih Tzu: A Breed for First-Time Owners?

When thinking about getting a dog, some breeds are easier for beginners. The Shih Tzu is a great choice for those new to dogs. They are adaptable, easy to train, and strong-willed19. Still, it’s important to consider each dog’s personality and how you train them for a good relationship.

Shih Tzus love being around people and want to make their families happy19. They’re small and usually healthy, making them easy for new dog owners20. Plus, they’re perfect for city living because they don’t need much exercise and like being indoors19.

Training a Shih Tzu is easier than some other dogs, but they still need socialising and positive training21. With time, patience, and the right training, first-time owners can have a well-behaved Shih Tzu21.

No dog is perfect, and every Shih Tzu is different19. Before getting a Shih Tzu, do your homework, think about your lifestyle, and talk to experts to make sure it’s right for you19.

Breed Potential Health Concerns
Cavalier King Charles Spaniel Heart disease, syringomyelia
Pug Breathing difficulties due to brachycephalic structure
Labrador Retriever Hip and elbow dysplasia
Bichon Frise Dental issues, allergies
Shih Tzu Eye conditions, breathing problems from short snout
Boston Terrier Respiratory issues, sensitivity to extreme temperatures

The Shih Tzu is a good choice for those new to dogs, but remember, dog ownership is a big responsibility. Know the breed well, take good care of it, and make sure your lifestyle fits with theirs. With the right approach, a Shih Tzu can be a wonderful companion for life19.

The Sensitive Nature of the Shih Tzu

Shih Tzus are known for their gentle, affectionate nature. But, they can be more anxious and reactive than other dogs22. Studies show that only 9% of a dog’s behaviour comes from its breed23. This means their sensitive nature can be greatly affected by their environment and daily routines.

Understanding and Supporting a Sensitive Pup

Shih Tzus do best in calm, predictable settings. Loud noises, sudden movements, or new situations can overwhelm them22. They often bond strongly with one person and can feel anxious when left alone22. To help them, a consistent routine, positive training, and a safe home are key.

Owners should be aware of their Shih Tzu’s sensitivity and work to reduce stress23. These dogs are easy to care for because they’re loyal and loving. Still, they need regular exercise, grooming, and a special diet for their health23. With care and understanding, sensitive Shih Tzus can live happy lives as loving companions.

shih tzu sensitivity

“Shih Tzus are intelligent and process the world around them at a faster rate than most toy dogs. This heightened sensitivity can make them more prone to anxiety, but with the right care and support, they can become loyal, loving companions.”

– Expert in Canine Behaviour

Separation Anxiety in Shih Tzus

Shih Tzus are known for being very attached to their owners. This can make them prone to separation anxiety. They might bark, whine, or even act out when left alone24. Changes in their routine, moving, or big changes at home can make it worse24.

About 20 to 40% of dogs, including Shih Tzus, can get separation anxiety25. It’s one of the top issues pet owners face. This anxiety can start at any age, from puppies to older dogs25.

To help Shih Tzus with separation anxiety, you need to try different things25. Giving them a safe spot, keeping them busy, and changing their environment can help25. Short breaks, changing when you leave, and a set routine are also good ideas25.

Natural remedies can also calm a Shih Tzu with separation anxiety26. Things like hemp oil, calming chews, and pheromone diffusers can help26. About 67% of owners said hemp worked well for their dogs26. The Thundershirt, a special wrap, also helped 80% of dogs26.

Helping a Shih Tzu with separation anxiety takes time and effort242526. With a safe place, fun activities, and natural remedies, they can feel better. This way, they can live a happy, worry-free life242526.

Product Effectiveness
Hemp Oil 67% of dog owners found it extremely or somewhat effective
Thundershirt Helpful for about 80% of the dogs who tried it
Pheromone Diffusers Can help many dogs feel calmer in stressful situations
Calming Supplements Ingredients like L-Tryptophan, L-Theanine, and melatonin can offer calming properties

“Effective management of separation anxiety in Shih Tzus often requires a multi-faceted approach.”

Famous Shih Tzu Owners and Influencers

Shih Tzus have always been a hit with famous people and stars. Many big names have chosen these dogs as their pets. This includes stars like Beyoncé, Bill Gates, and Zsa Zsa Gabor.

Recently, Nicole Richie, a TV star and fashion designer, also got a Shih Tzu named Honeychild. But Marnie, an 18-year-old rescue dog, really made the breed famous on the internet. She became a star on Instagram with her funny face and unique walk27.

Marnie was the first Shih Tzu to become really popular online. Now, many more Shih Tzus are becoming internet stars. They have lots of followers on social media because they are so cute.

Dog Influencer Social Media Followers
JiffPom (Pomeranian) 9.8 million on Instagram27
Jill the Squirrel Over 700,000 on social media27
Nala Cat (Siamese & Tabby Mix) 3.5 million on Instagram27
Marnie the Shih Tzu 1.9 million on social media27
Doug the Pug Over 3.6 million on Instagram28
JiffPom (Pomeranian) 9.3 million on Instagram28
Turboroo (2-legged Chihuahua) Viral sensation28
Maya the Samoyed Over $700,000 in recent income28

Enzo, a Shih Tzu, became a hit on TikTok with over 5.6 million views. His funny tricks, like growling and kissing without a tongue, won hearts29. His owner has cared for him since he was just 10 weeks old, showing how close Shih Tzus can get to their families29.

Enzo’s video went viral, showing how Shih Tzus can make people laugh and smile. This proves that these dogs are not just pets but beloved friends. From famous stars to regular people, Shih Tzus have won hearts all over the world.

Adopting or Purchasing a Shih Tzu

Thinking about getting a Shih Tzu as a pet? You can either adopt from a rescue or buy from a good breeder. Adopting gives a loving home to a dog in need30. Many Shih Tzus end up in rescue due to grooming issues, wrong allergy beliefs, or house training problems30. You can find them in shelters and humane societies, but make sure it’s really a Shih Tzu and not a Lhasa Apso30.

Choosing a reputable breeder for a Shih Tzu puppy is key. Good breeders focus on the health and personality of their dogs30. They do health checks and give a loving home to the puppies30. Breeders should show proof of health tests for the parents and one test for kidney health30. This way, you get a healthy, happy puppy and stop bad breeding.

Responsible Breeders and Rescue Organisations

When picking a Shih Tzu, think about the puppy’s personality and character30. Some Shih Tzus end up in pet shops, so think about where you buy from30. Good breeders share info on the puppy’s parents and socialising efforts, making sure you get a friendly dog.

AKC papers and pedigrees matter when buying a Shih Tzu puppy30. They don’t guarantee the dog’s quality but help you understand its health and family history.

“Adoption is a beautiful and compassionate choice, providing a loving home for a Shih Tzu in need. However, when purchasing from a breeder, it is crucial to prioritise the health and ethical treatment of the dogs, ensuring a responsible and rewarding experience.”

Responsible Breeders Rescue Organisations
  • Prioritise health and temperament of their dogs
  • Conduct necessary health screenings
  • Provide a nurturing environment for puppies
  • Offer certificates from reputable organisations
  1. Provide loving homes for Shih Tzus in need
  2. Often have Shih Tzus available due to grooming, allergies, or housebreaking issues
  3. Careful identification of Shih Tzus in shelters, as they may be mislabelled



The Shih Tzu is a charming33 companion dog loved for its cute looks, loving nature, and ability to live in various homes, even apartments34. They need regular grooming for their long, soft coat, but this brings a loyal and loving friend33. Whether you adopt from a rescue or buy from a good breeder, the Shih Tzu can be a great addition to any family. They bring companionship, joy, and many happy memories.

This breed has a long history, over 1,000 years old35, and was accepted by the American Kennel Club in 196934. They are a favourite, ranking #20 in the AKC popularity list in 202335. Shih Tzus are friendly, loving, and social, making them perfect for city living33. They also fit well with different lifestyles because they don’t need a lot of exercise.

Looking after a Shih Tzu means grooming them daily, bathing them weekly, and trimming their fur regularly33. It’s also important to keep their teeth clean, deworm them, and protect against fleas34. With the right care and training, these cute dogs will bring joy and companionship to their families for years35.


What is a Shih Tzu?

The Shih Tzu is a small breed from Tibet, known as “little lion”. They are friendly and love being around people. Their coat is silky and sheds little, making them great for living in apartments.

What is the history of the Shih Tzu breed?

Shih Tzus are one of the oldest dog breeds. They were bred from the Pekingese and Lhasa Apso. Chinese royalty loved them, featuring them in art and stories.

What are the physical characteristics of a Shih Tzu?

Shih Tzus have a flat face, short snout, and floppy ears. Their eyes are big and expressive. They have a double coat that needs regular grooming.

What is the Shih Tzu’s personality like?

Shih Tzus are loving and loyal. They love being with people and are easygoing. But, they can be a bit stubborn at times.

How much grooming do Shih Tzus require?

Shih Tzus need regular grooming for their long coat. They should be brushed often and taken to the groomer for trims. Their nails, ears, and hygiene also need attention.

Are Shih Tzus good apartment dogs?

Yes, Shih Tzus are perfect for apartments. They are quiet, have low energy, and love indoor living. Their size and cuddly nature make them great for city living.

What is important to know about training and socialising a Shih Tzu?

Training and socialising a Shih Tzu early is key. They are smart but can be stubborn. Positive training methods work best. Introduce them to different people and places to help them be confident and adaptable.

Are Shih Tzus a good choice for first-time or novice dog owners?

Shih Tzus are often a good choice for new dog owners. They are adaptable, easy to train, and resilient. But, remember to consider their personality, early socialisation, and consistent training.

Are Shih Tzus a sensitive breed?

Yes, Shih Tzus are sensitive. They deeply feel sensory input. This can lead to anxiety, reacting to loud noises or sudden movements.

Do Shih Tzus suffer from separation anxiety?

Yes, Shih Tzus can get separation anxiety. They may bark, whine, or chew when left alone. Training and gradual separation can help manage this.

Have any famous people owned Shih Tzus?

Yes, many famous people have had Shih Tzus. Beyoncé, Bill Gates, and Zsa Zsa Gabor are a few examples. Nicole Richie also has a Shih Tzu named Honeychild.

What should I consider when adopting or purchasing a Shih Tzu?

When getting a Shih Tzu, think about adopting from shelters or rescue groups. If buying a puppy, choose a reputable breeder who focuses on the dogs’ health and temperament.

Source Links

  1. The Shih Tzu – Petributes –
  2. Shih Tzu Dog Breed Information & Characteristics –
  3. Breed History – Shih Tzu Club UK –
  4. No title found –
  5. The Royal Shih Tzu Could Be Your Lap Dog –
  6. Shih Tzu Dog Breed – Facts and Personality Traits | Hill’s Pet –
  7. Shih Tzu: Temperament, Lifespan, Grooming, Training –
  8. Shih Tzu, –
  9. Having More than One Shih Tzu or a Shih Tzu and Another Dog Breed –
  10. Grooming A Long Coat – Shih Tzu Club UK –
  11. How to Groom Shih Tzus: 14 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow –
  12. How to Groom a Shih Tzu | Techniques for a Puppy or Adult Tzu –
  13. The Best Dog Breeds Perfect for Apartment Living –
  14. The 14 Best Apartment Dogs – Piddle Patch –
  15. Can a Shih Tzu Live in An Apartment? –
  16. Training and Socializing Your New Puppy –
  17. How to Train Your Shih Tzu: 12 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow –
  18. How to Train a Shih Tzu Puppy | Complete Training Guide –
  19. Shih Tzu 101: Is a Shih Tzu the Right Dog for You? –
  20. 10 best dog breeds for first-time owners –
  21. Shih Tzu Dogs Breed – Information, Temperament, Size & Price | Pets4Homes –
  22. Shih Tzu Temperament and Personality | Canna-Pet® –
  23. Shih-Tzu Temperament Guide: Everything You Need to Know – PetScreening –
  24. Coping with Separation Anxiety | American Shih Tzu Club –
  25. Shih Tzu Separation Anxiety Issues | Leaving Your Dog Home Alone –
  26. 7 Sure-Fire Ways to Calm Your Shih Tzu’s Anxiety –
  27. Animals of Instagram: The top pet influencers –
  28. Top 45 Dog Influencers You Need to Follow in 2024 –
  29. Shih Tzu’s attitude leaves internet in hysterics: “Little comedian” –
  30. Buying or Adopting a Shih Tzu –
  31. Shih Tzu | Rehoming Rescue Dog | Dogs Trust –
  32. Shih Tzu Breed Information and Buying advice –
  33. Shih Tzu Dog Breed Information & Characteristics –
  34. Shih tzu –
  35. 12 Interesting Facts About the Shih Tzu (Vet-Reviewed) – Dogster –

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